Thursday, February 7, 2008

For You!!!

Hello to all my dear friends, family, co-workers, and especially my stamping sisters. I want to thank you all for your e mails wondering where the heck I am, and for your continued support as I continue to settle into my job at the bank. I am absolutely loving my job and business is really starting to pick up for me. It cuts into my stamping time though . . . and my time with Willow and Isabella . . . but I'm learning to deal with that. Even Willow is really learning to entertain herself and of course Isabella is content to just be snoozing somewhere out of the puppy's way.

I have so many wonderful things to share with you all. The little store that I used to teach at in Farmington sadly went out of business, but a new and even better store opened up in it's place. The name of the store is My Eyes . . . My Heart . . . The owner's name is Lori Brausen and she is absolutely awesome!!! She contacted me right before she opened up her store and asked if I would like to sell some of my cards and altered items, as well as teach again. I felt so honored and was very excited to accept. Lori is not only getting a lot of new merchandise for the scrapbookers, but she is going out of her way to make us cardmarkers happy too. She got a whole new shipment of Technique Tuesday stamp sets in and a lot of new paper and embellishments. She carries different iventory than Archivers, so it is fun to be able to shop at both stores. If you live anywhere near Farmington, please go and check out Lori's beautiful store.

Okay . . . now some even more wonderful news. I was contacted by a reporter for the This Week newspaper who wanted to do a feature story on me and my cardmaking. They are putting together a special Valentine's edition and wanted to feature me as an artist of the week. I don't consider myself an artist by any means, and I was so honored that they even thought my work was worthy of putting in a newspaper. So they came and took a lot of pictures of my cards . . . Valentines especially . . . and sat down and interviewed me. I had never done anything like that ever and although I was a little nervous at first, I had such a nice time. The reporter was awesome and my story will be in the newspaper this weekend. I will have to let you all know how it turns out.

The card I am featuring today was made for my fabulous boss for her birthday. Since her birthday is so close to Valentine's Day, I decided to use that wonderful new Basic Grey Two Scoops paper that I recently picked up at Archivers. I also inked up my new Stampin' Up! One of a Kind stamp set for this card. The ribbon is from American Crafts and the brads are from Basic Grey.

Thank you for stopping by today and I promise I won't be a stranger. I have been working on some wonderful projects, and I am very excited to share them with you.

Also, I want to share a picture of my sweet little Willow with you. She recently discovered a new spot to hang out . . . the wicker chair in the loft. She thinks she is a big girl now and very proud of the fact that she can jump up into the chair just like "Kitty".

Thank you everyone for stopping by!
Big stamping hugs!
~ Pegi and Willow


  1. Wow, you're going to be famous! Congrats on the article, I will look for it this weekend! And as far as the new store goes, I haven't been there yet, and I'm not sure I can go in there and not get the heeby-geebies from the prior owners presence! I'll give it a try soon, ok? Glad things are going so well for you Pegi!


  2. Sweet!

    And thanks for sharing the photo of Willow! She gets cuter every time I see her!

    Many Blessings,

  3. Pegi! So glad to "see" you, I've missed your posts! Congrats on the new teaching venture, and the newspaper article, you're a rock star girlfriend! I'll look for it in my box this weekend! Willow is beyond adorable, I love her little shirt!

  4. Congratulations Pegi....your new projects are awesome.
    Love the photo of Willow....she is just so gorgeous.

  5. Oh Stop! She is so stinkin cute!!

  6. Hey Pegi!! I've been checking in each week and wondering what you've been up to! So glad you're back to share with us again! And what exciting news you have too! I wish I lived nearby so I could see your article! :) (((HUGS)))

  7. Willow is adorable.

    Also I love her name and have ever since I heard Will Smith named his daughter that!
