Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thank You To My Secret Santa!

Hello to all my dear stamping and blogging friends. Life has been hectic, as usual, and it seems my stamping and blogging has had to be put aside for awhile as I continue to settle into my new position at the bank. I am still loving my job, although I do missing stamping and blogging and working from home. I miss spending time with my sweet little Willow but she is always waiting at the top of the steps for me . . . tail just a wigglin' . . . when I get home from a long day of work.

Now I have to tell you all about this awesome Ten Days of Christmas we have going on at work right now. For the past nine days I have been receiving special surprise "treats" everyday in my office from my Secret Santa. On the tenth day I will receive my gift and Santa's true identity shall finally be revealed. Whoever has my name is certainly spoiling me. I have received a lot of chocolates, cookies, chocolate covered peanuts, Frescas, Caribou gift cards, chap stick, and this Chatterbox designer paper. Hey . . . how did they know I can't resist some great designer paper??? LOL . . . I guess they all know I'm a card maker.

So for this card I decided to make it a thank you card for my awesome Secret Santa. I used the beautiful Chatterbox designer paper and I dug out my SU Delight In Life stamp set because I thought the flowers would match the paper perfectly. I loved the rich chocolate chip and blues and greens in this beautiful paper and tried to coordinate my ribbons to bring out that beautiful brown in the paper.

I also wanted to show you some pictures I took last weekend when my sweet little Willow had a sleepover with her best friend Izzy. Look how cute these two are together. Don't let that cuteness fool you though . . . those little girls were wild!!! They love to play together. I can't believe I could get them to sit still long enough for these pictures. Look at those little cuties!!!

I hope everyone is having a great week and getting excited for Christmas. Thanks for stopping by and I will see you again soon!

Big hugs!!!

~ Pegi


  1. These are the cutest little fur babies! Thank you for sharing more pictures...they just make my day :)

  2. Cute, cute, cute!!! There is just nothing cuter than a Yorkie! Missed you last month at stamp club. Hope you can make it in Jan. We put our little Mandi to sleep 12/5/07. She was 15 years old and 1 day. :-(

  3. So cute - both the card and the puppies!

    Many Blessings,

  4. What gorgeous babies! Great card too...
    We have two fur babies, two cavalier king charles spaniels, they are always in my waste paper bin trying to craft in their own way! Happy New Year! Great blog. Rosie in the UK

  5. love the card - and the puppies!

  6. Nice yorkies. I knew someone who had a yorkie who slept on her mouse pad. This was when all computer mice had rolles. I would imagine it got gumed up in hair every week.

  7. Fabulous card. The paper is gorgeous.
    Just how cute are that pair? They look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths don't they?

    Happy New Year


  8. Oh my gosh! First I fell in love with the card at the top until I continued going. OMG! Those babies are soo darn cute! We're getting a Yorkie in the Spring and I can hardly wait.

  9. hope you do some more entries- love your stuff!

  10. Just a gorgeous card Pegi!! And look at those little cuties!!

  11. I Love the Yorkies puppies. I have a 3 year old female Yorkie Amber. She weighs 4 lbs. 6 oz. and I just had her groomed. Check out my blog and see my baby.


    Vivian Swain

  12. Oh beautiful work... and those pups... Adorable!!!

  13. I just love any blogger that shows puppy love. Lilly Belle says "woof!"
