Wednesday, August 1, 2007

We Have A Winner ! ! ! And Another Giveaway!

Thank you everyone for helping me celebrate 2,500 hits here at BellaWillow. I have had an amazing time as your blog hostess and reading all the wonderful comments you have all left about my blog and about your favorite stamp sets and stamp companies. Thank you everyone who left a comment. And now for the winner of that cute little All My Memories bag stuffed full of goodies . . . . drum roll please . . . . the winner is . . . . Patti Jo. (Patti Jo, please send me an e mail with your snail mail address and I will send out your package right away.)

Now . . . on to another giveaway. Like I said before . . . I have had so much fun being your blog hostess that I thought I would give you all another opportunity to win another prize. We are going to do this a lot here at BellaWillow, so don't be disappointed if you don't win this time. There will be many other chances in the near future.

I have three prizes today . . . so there will be three lucky winners of this fabulous little package of Basic Grey "Infuse" paper and some beautiful coordinating ribbons. All you have to do to be eligible for this giveaway are two things. 1. Let me know how you found my blog. 2. If you have a blog that you would like readers to visit, please leave a link on your post and I will add it to the Blog Roll. This contest will be open until Friday evening at 5:00 p.m. CST and the three lucky winners will be announced sometime later that evening. Who knows . . . maybe we'll have another prize to give away.

Congratulations again to Patty Jo, good luck to everyone else on the new giveaway, and thank you again everyone for stopping by.



  1. Whoa...lookie at you! These infuse papers are gorgeous! I don't remember how I found you ( maybe?) but I am here:


  2. What beautiful papers. Since I'm a sucker for paper, I'll have to look them up -- assuming I don't win, of course!! Keep up the good work. I enjoy checking in on you. I can be reached at Thanks for sharing and letting us play along.

  3. Congrats Patty Jo!

    I can't remember how I found you either, but that's ok right? I have you in my google reader and am updated every time you post so I can stay on top of what's going on.

    Thanks for the chance to win! Here's my blog address:

  4. Oops! forgot to tell you I found you via Allison's WONDERFUL site. She sends us to all the best places. I'm still at, as in my previous post where I left out this tiny detail. I'm not a blogger, but am a blog junkie. I love 'em all.

  5. Wow another so soon. Count me in! Love the infuse papers. I found you though Stampin When I Can. And I'm so glad I did. I just love your blog and your creative work. I don't have a blog, I'm just a blog surfer. (tee hee) Thanks for a chance.

  6. Hi there, I found your blog from Allison's Stampin' When I Can. I don't yet have a blog, but I really enjoy reading yours. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  7. hi!! i found your blog through allison's site, but now i visit daily. :)

    i don't have a blog... but i do love to read them.

  8. What a wonderful giveaway!! I found you awhile back from Allison. Now I am a subsriber! Great work!!

  9. What a wonderful blog candy! I found you via - My blog is

  10. I don't know for sure how I found you (maybe through SCS- are you on WRAK?) and I had you in my faves that I kept checking and just love your stuff! My blog is:

    I would love to win the BG papers- I can't find them anywhere locally!

  11. Hello!
    I found your site through Allision's. I have to add that I am glad that I did...the candy is awesome!!!! I have a site and the address is
    Thank you for sharing this awesome candy.

  12. Hi! I found you through Allison. The candy is fantastic! My blog is: Thanks!
    Cheryl KVD

  13. Chances are I found you thru Allison, she is a true hound when it comes to sniffing out blog candy:) And she's also one SWEET lady! I will be starting a blog as soon as I figure out how to do one, my computer skills don't go much further than "intro to computers 101". Thanks for offering more blog yummies:)

  14. Hi

    I found yout throught Allison's blog.
    My blog is, I would love if you visit me!

  15. Wow! You are spoiling us!

    I don't recall how I first found your blog. Maybe Allison? Seems like a safe guess :-). You are in my feed reader now, though, and all of your wonderful new posts just automatically appear!

    My blog is here:

  16. Gorgeous papers & ribbons, too! I don't remember how I first found your blog - prob. off SCS, but I was directed back to you by Allison & am now a subscriber.

  17. Congratulations, Patti Jo! I found your blog thanks to Allison's blog, Stampin When I Can. Being a fairly new stamper, I don't have a blog but love checking out everybody who does to gain inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win Infuse paper.

  18. I found you through Stampin When I Can and I don't have a blog...yet.

  19. I found your blog through my friend Peggy Maier. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!

  20. Ooh, super fun! K, I can't remember how I came across your blog in the 1st place, but it was probably Allison! :) It's a small blogging world! And 2 of my friends that are uber talented are Kristina
    and Lindsey
    Thanks! :)

  21. I have no idea how I found you-ask Allison.

    I have a blog that is giving me fits tonite as Google is having a major brain fart.

  22. I found you through Stampin When I Can, liked what I saw and became a subscriber! I do not have a blog or site yet but I am working on it and hope to soon.

  23. My gosh, I have been reading your blog for so long that I really don't remember how I found it. It was most likely from either Splitcoast or from another blog recommending you. I stay because of your excellent work. (and your doggies!!!)
    I do have a blog, but it certainly is not the quality of yours
    Thanks for taking the time to do your blogging. It is fun.
    Cheryl Sims

  24. Allison at Stampin When I can, as she is sooooo good at telling about blog candy ;^)* But it got me here, and I am sticking around.
    I am at:
    Keep up the great work!

  25. I found your blog through Allison too! I would love people to check out my blog!

    I'm really glad I found your blog! You do great work and I love your candy!!! ;)

  26. I think I found you through Allison's blog while doing some blog hopping :)
    My blog is here
    Lovely blog candy too :)

  27. I most likely found your blog originally through Alison! :)

    Thank you for the chance to win some blog candy! I love your place :)

    This is my blog:

  28. I found your site through "Stampin' When I can."
    Your candy is so pretty... :)

  29. I luv the papers that you picked...their amazing! I found you at "Stampin' when I can" site by Allison. I luv your blog & your cards. Great job. My blog is:
    Thank you for a chance to win some wonderful blog candy.


  30. I found you through Stampin' When I Can. Isn't that an awesome resource to direct us to blogs like yours?

    I have a new blog at . Everyone is welcome!

  31. I found your blog through Allison. You have a wonderful blog, I don't have one but if I did you'd be there in a link.

  32. How fun!
    I think I found your blog because you found mine and left a comment. My blog is at

  33. Hi Pegi!
    And congratulations to Patty Jo!

    Oh my gosh...another chance to win Basic are tops!!!

    I originally found your blog through Allison, but I've been a subscriber for quite a while...I just love visiting here :)

    I don't have a blog, but you can reach me at

    Thanks much!

  34. I found you on Manic Stamper's blog and immediately added you to my list of favorites. I am not a blogger but have collected a long list of favorites that I try to visit on a daily basis. You can never get too much inspiration!!!

  35. I found your blog through Allison's (I don't have one of my own). It looks great!

  36. Like a lot of people, I found you thru Allison's blog! My blog is at—not too exciting, but I'm getting there!

  37. I found you thru Allison's blog. I don't have a blog but find myself spending a considerable amount of time reading others!
    I love Basic Grey papers.
    Nancy S

  38. I LOVE the new Infuse papers! Thanks for a chance at some awesome goodies!
    I'm not sure how I found your blog - probably through Allison's site - that's where I've found most of the blogs I read.
    Heather L.

  39. You had visited my blog - so when I back tracked your hit I found you - glad I did - you do some beautiful work!

    Your so sweet to offer up all these goodies - and CONGRATS! to the last winner - that was quite the prize!

  40. I am pretty sure that I found your blog through Allison's blog I love that she does all the work of finding everyone and then I can just click away!

    I have a blog that I would love for you to check out. I am giving away a major blog candy right now as well.

    Thank you so much for all you do! YOU ROCK!!!

  41. Linda B. told me to check out your blog. Hope that I win!

  42. I found you thru Allison of course lol. and check out my blog :) thats cool!

  43. I found your blogs through Allison's blog.

    I haven't posted to much lately, summertime is a busy time, but I will be back soon.

  44. Hi Pegi!
    Oh my gosh...another chance to win Basic are tops!!!

    I originally found your blog through Allison, but I've been a subscriber for quite a while...I just love visiting here :)

    I don't have a blog, but you can reach me at

    Thanks much!

  45. Those papers are so pretty! I am sure that I found you through Allison's stampinwhenican blog.

    Thanks for sharing!

  46. I found your blogspot at Stampin' When I Can. I'm not a blogger but I enjoy reading others. Thanks for sharing.

  47. I love thes paper. I am a sucker for paper. I found your site through my scrapbook teacher, Linda B. Her site is hppt://

  48. I love this card! It's amazing! I love your blog! Thanks for a chance to win. You can email me at I totally want that card!

  49. oops..I subscribe to your blog and I would love to be added to your blog roll - I will do the same!

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