Thursday, August 2, 2007

Friday Card Giveaway ! ! !

I have been having a lot of fun with this blogging thing . . . and the Blog Candy and Giveaways have been very successful. I love it when you come and visit and leave comments . . . and now I have linked all of your blogs over to the right under "My Blog Friends" and people can come and visit you as well.

I have decided to start another tradition over here at BellaWillow . . . a Friday Card Giveaway. I make so many cards and then they just sit here. So this will be a reason for me to start sending cards out.

So here is the very first card for our very first Friday Card Giveaway. I hope you like it. All you have to do to be eligible for the card giveaway is to leave a message . . . any message at all . . . tell everyone a little bit about yourself. The randomly chosen winner will be announced on Saturday.

I made this card using my SU stamp sets Happy Harmony and Petal Prints. I used SU Close To Cocoa for the card base and a stack of Fairy Tale paper for the card itself. I stamped my flowers on SU Confetti Natural paper and cut them all out and layered them. The pink dots are Rain Dots from Cloud 9 Designs.

Thanks again for stopping by . . . and thanks again for all your continued support.

~ Pegi


  1. Oh my goodness! Your card is spectacular! So much cutting!! It must have taken a long time to make! What a lovely gift for someone! I'm so glad I discovered your blog! I think I've just ended every sentence with an exclamation mark...hehehe. Thanks for sharing your awesome work!
    Heather L.

  2. Love the updated photos of Willow! I need to see more of Bella! My silver persian, Belle, loves being photographed! Thanks for adding my blog to your links! I am honored!
    Cheryl KVD

  3. What a beautiful card! It looks like you put a lot of time and energy into making it. Hope that I am a winner!

  4. What a great idea for a new tradition!

    I, for one, would just love to win one of your I can admire it up-close-and-personal :)

  5. What a pretty card - I love the colors!

    I love your idea of a new tradition!

  6. Beautiful card - what a nice idea to share your work with others. Thanks!

  7. Thanks so much for wanting to share your lovely cards with us! This one is really pretty & I'd sure like to see it "up close & personal" As for something about me - I live in Texas.

  8. I like those round pinkish colored thingies on this card.

    something about me huh? I hate to shave my legs and will go without shorts so I dont feel obligated to shave every day. weird huh>

  9. This card is FANTASTIC -- love it

  10. This is so pretty! Petal Prints was one of my all-time fave sets! A little about me...hmmmmm...I'm a very busy SAHM with 5 kids and designing in between.

  11. How I would love to have this card. I am an RN who isn't working as I am too old (!!) to be so responsible. Right now I am using my nursing skills with my 2 year old shih-poo, Gracie, who got bit (not on purpose) by our westie, Abby, and has almost lost an eye. Right now it is stitched closed and she gets her stitches out next Wed. I need prayers that her eye will recover. It was so traumatic to see her eye half out. Does anyone have experience with this injury to tell me what to expect?
    Anyhow, sorry to go on, but all the prayers we can get will be needed.
    Thanks for this great new tradition. This card is beautiful.
    Cheryl Sims

  12. What a great idea for a new tradition!

    That card is unbelievable...

    I would just love to "inspect" it up-close-and-personal :)

  13. What an awesome card! I may just have to "case" this one. I can see that you, like me, also like working with pink and's one of my favorite combinations lately. Wonderful work!

  14. Your card is beautiful...what a sweet thought to do a Friday giveaway...a great way to end a week.

    Love your work!! and animal pictures:)

  15. I love this card too. WOW, just so pretty!
    I have a blog too--if you want, link up to
    Love your stuff!!


  16. This card is beautiful!!!
    I would love to get it on my hands LOL!


  17. This card is absolutely beautiful...I love it!!!

  18. I luv your cards! I think that the Friday card giveaway is a fantastic idea & thank you for coming up with it! I would luv to win one of your cards. I'm a new stamper & I am totally hooked!!!

