Thursday, August 23, 2007

Celebrating 5,000 Hits ! ! !

I was at my favorite store tonight wondering what kind of blog candy I should buy in celebration of BellaWillow's 5,000 hits. There was so much to choose from and I just couldn't decide . . . so I bought a $20.00 gift card instead and one lucky winner can decide. This gift card is good at any Archivers store or at

First of all I want to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog and takes the time to leave such wonderful comments. Your kind words have really touched me and I have enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. It is my goal to not only make cards and put them on my blog, but to take time and visit everyone's blogs and see what kinds of wonderful things you are making as well.

If you would like to have a chance to win the $20.00 Archiver's gift card, just leave a comment and tell us something funny about yourself that people might not know. I will randomly draw a name Saturday afternoon and announce a winner at that time. Also, I plan on having the Friday card giveaway tomorrow as well, so come back for that too.

Have a great night everyone, and don't forget . . . something funny about yourself that people might not know. Thank for stopping by.

Big stamping hugs . . . Pegi


  1. Wow. I can't believe I get to leave the first comment. The only funny thing about myself that I can think of is that I had a Yorkie named Dinky. He was my best friend all through high school and on home visits after moving out.

    Congrats on 5K.

  2. Congrats on 5,000 hits! A completely and utterly well-deserved milestone!!!

    My husband laughs at me when I stamp. My heat tool sits on the corner of my desk and he claims that I am constantly knocking it off and reaching down to retrieve it, apparently without even noticing ... just keep working away completely oblivious :-)

  3. Congrats on your 5,000 hits! Wow what a sweet sweet candy you are celebrating with your readers. My family thinks it's funny when we are doing something and I have a thought or idea and have to run to my run stampin room. Thanks so much for a chance.

  4. My life is an open book-so everybody knows everything about me I think.

    How about a guilty pleasure? I love the Brady Bunch tv show-I watch it over and over and over. I want ALice to come live with me so we can cook and chat all day.

  5. Congrats!!! Love your blog. Something funny about me? Well, I can't go to bed unless I shave my legs. I can't stand the subble against the sheets so every night it is a shower and shave for me!!! I have tried not to and I won't sleep that nite.
    Cheryl Sims

  6. Congrats on 5K! I love your blog!

    Funny thing--I was rear-ended in March 2000 during a tornado that hit Fort Worth, Texas. Lots of damage to my beautiful Maxima. I was crushed. Guess who the culprit was?

    My husband!

    Do you know how embarrassing it is to call your insurance agent and tell him you've been in a car accident and your husband is the one who hit you? I do!

  7. Hmm. Something funny about myself is that I played rugby in college. Very odd for someone who is such a girly girl! ;)

    Great give away prize! Ooo... :)

  8. Hi Pegi!
    Congratulations on 5000 hits!
    I'm glad I could help add to that total :)

    Thank you for offering such a nice prize for us to help you celebrate!

    Something funny about myself?
    Everybody thinks I'm a girly girl too...but when I was married, I loved to ride on the back of (my X's) motorcycle.

  9. Wow 5,000 already!! See, I told you "YOU ROCK"!! And a $20 gift card is the BEST BLOG CANDY anyone has ever given!!

    Something funny about me....okay, prepare yourself....this is a little personal....
    I have very little bladder control (having babies will do that to ya)...laughing too hard & sneezing can cause what I call a "mommy tinkle". When I feel a sneeze coming, I have to cross my legs and sometimes grab myself (kinda like little kids do when their trying to hold it). Of course My kids think it's HELARIOUS & often tell others that "mommy pees her pants"...ugh!!
    okay - was that too much info? Oh well, who cares... it's FUNNY & that's what you asked for!!! Hope I made ya laugh!!

  10. Congrats on the success of your blog! I cannot sleep at night unless the bedroom closet door is closed. I get teased about this quite often.


  11. Hi Pegi!
    Congrats on the 5,000 hits!!!
    funny things about me?
    I can't pass under stairs.....
    If I think about something not good, I have to knock 3 times on wood....

  12. Congrats on the hits - I just found your blog on Paris' Inky Art blog and I'm glad I did! What beautiful fur babies you have. There are probably many things about myself that my husband finds funny but the one that makes his laugh the most is that I use my toes to pick things up off of the floor rather than bending over to get them. My daughter inherited my agile toe talent, too!

  13. Wow, congrats on the 5,000 hits!!!!

    Something funny about me is the way I sneeze. I have been told it sounds like a cat sneeze and I do it about 6 times in a row. People are constantly teasing me about it and telling me to just let it out! I can't sneeze any other way though, I have tried.

  14. HOORAY for surpassing the 5K mark!! WAHOO!!! And a hip-hip-hooray to Paris for introducing me to your site. You have outstanding cards!!! WOWZA!! Thanks a ton for all of the wonderful ideas.
    Hmm, something funny....most adults don't know that I love to do different voices for stories when I read to my students. They (my students) find me funny. In Feb. when I read some stories to some adults and their children for reading month....the adults didn't laugh. I thought I was funny.....apparently they didn't!!! Tough crowd!!!
    Debbie J.

  15. Hi Pegi,

    I just found your blog, and I love it already!

    Something that not everybody knows about me is that I am a Simpsons fanatic - I have seen every episode of the first 10 seasons or so at least 20 times!

  16. I so wish I lived near one of these stores! um something about me... I orgenize my address book by last names unless I just know the first name so it makes my hubby really mad when he goes looking for a phone number lol.

  17. HI Pegi... great job on 5,000.

    Let's see. A few years back I won a writing contest and got to meet Fabio... it was so cheesy, but HUBBA HUBBA... what a hunk! :)

    Continued success,

    Cindy Jacobson

  18. Funny or odd: My 9 year old greatgrandson is trying to teach me to play chess - he says I'm totally hopeless~out of the mouths of babes-

  19. Congrats to your hits. Something funny... I am obsessed with brushing my teeth. I brush morning, afer every meal and at night twice. I even care dental floss in my purse. Not sure why but I will be 32 on my birthday and have never had a cavity!

  20. Congratulations on all the hits, your blog is wonderful. I have webbed toes!

  21. Hmmm... I'm not very good at keeping secrets, so most people know everything about me. One thing that I do that I would never admit in person is that I always cry when I go to a show (like a musical). The minute the orchestra kicks into the overture, I'm tearing up!

  22. Congrats on your blog hits! A funny thing about me is I talk outloud to myself a lot. My husband is used to it, but I do get funny looks when I'm shopping by myself (although not as many as a few years ago because now people think I'm just talking on a cell phone!) Thanks for the chance to win the gift certificate; what an awesome prize!

  23. Congrats on the 5,000 hits.

    During a presentation at work... I felt something hit my ankles... and a shocked look from the employees that had gathered near. Yes.. I lost a pair of sky blue underwear. Now... they thought I had done it for a joke... however, I was so embarrassed... I couldn't laugh it off. Instead I couldn't decide to step out of them... or pull them back up. I chose the latter.

    As a side note.... I was late for work... had my pantyhose on.. and realized I forgot to put on my underwear... so I thought I pulled them up over my pantyhose. Obviously... I didn't pull them far enough.

    People still talk about my brief presentation.

  24. I loved High School Musical! don't tell anybody!

  25. When my daughter was getting ready to make me a grandma for the first time...I was so excited and so nervous ath the same time. She called to tell me she was on the way to the hospital and it was the middle of the night. I had been waiting for the call at any time. I answered the phone and talked to her in the ear piece instead of the mouth end. She couldn't hear me and I talked even louder into the ear piece, before I realized I had it upside down.

  26. contrats on the 5K hits! Great blog.

  27. Congrats on the milestone Pegi! That's awesome! Here's my funny thing:

    Up until a few weeks ago I would wear one sock to bed because I had a little callous on the ball of my right foot. :) Pretty sexy huh?

    After getting so much grief over it, I went and bought a foot file and foot cream and have continued to file that little baby away! Now I can go without the one sock!

  28. This one is something I don't like, but with perspective I am coming to think it's funny: in high school some mean kids called me "pickle nose" behind my back! If only they could hear what I think of them ;^)*

  29. One time when I was younger, I worked 2 jobs one in which I worked rotating shifts. I got off of work at 11 p.m. one night and it had snowed and my headlights were not working no matter how many times I turned them on and off. I called my Dad and asked him if he could take a look at it. I got to his house and I was probably only in the house about 5 minutes before he came in and told me he had fixed them. I asked what was wrong and he replied " I just dusted the snow off of them and it was a miracle they worked. How embarassing for me. By the way I am blonde (the one who gave them all a bad name.)

  30. I don't know that I have anything too funny to say but I have funny things that I have heard lately. I was babysitting the other night and the little boy was looking at a picture of my nephew. My nephew was standing on my b-i-l's legs with fuzzy dice hanging in the mirror (they were parked in the car) and the little boy looks at the picture and says, "oh, they won bunco!" (oh yeah, the little boy is four!).

  31. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm an organization freak. What most of them don't know is that it extends to every area of my life. If they knew that my closet was meticulously organized by season, color, and brand, they'd probably flip!

  32. Wow, congrats on 5000 hits... that's fantastic!

    Hmmm... a funny thing about me... my kids think it's funny that I cry at movies, tv shows, even commercials. Just today we were watching Clean House, and they groaned when I started wiping tears from my eyes. I know, I'm such a sap!

  33. Funny, huh? Well.... my toes do not touch eachother when I am barefoot. And it looks funny! :-)

  34. Something funny about me that others might not know about ... well if they stand next to me at a parade they will soon find out! The minute I see a band coming I start crying - not out loud - but tears roll down my face. I just can't help it & I've always been that way.

  35. Congrats on the hits! Something funny that no one knows, and I mean no one, until now! In high school I applied to Ringling Brothers Clown College (yes they have one) and got accepted. I decided to be a responsible adult instead! Bummer!

  36. Like many, I'm an open book, but family and friends both think it's hysterical when we'll be talking about someone famous and I'll say, "Didn't he/she die?" I have a terrible memory for (and not much interest in) celebrity fodder, so I'm never up on that stuff. I say it in complete innocence, because I am completely innocent (or is that completely clueless?). Love your blog, as you know.

  37. What super-duper blog candy, I have my finger's crossed! I guess the funny thing about me is the strange things I buy a yard sales. My husband is always saying that I'm the bottom of the "yard sale chain". He says that if there is one item that sits there all day long that nobody wants, you can be sure that I'm the one who comes along and buys it. I was with my 5 yr. old granddaughter today and stopped at a sale. I get back in the car carrying a plastic light-up pink flamingo lamp. My granddaughter said, "Why did you buy that MaMa? Papa will take one look at that & yell, why would you buy this piece of sh%#?" I realized she was right, but gave her a talking to about not using Papa's terminology:)

  38. Wow 5000! Congrats. A funny thing about me is I can hold things with my chin. Pencils, small books, forks. I should go on Letterman's stupid human tricks.
    Thanks for the chance to win,
    Heather B

  39. Hey congrats on the 5000 hits. Great job! Would love to win the gift certificate. Best blog candy I have seen. Thanks for sharing. Something funny about me. I have two sons and spent a lot of time outdoors with them. One day we were riding a motorcycle and a four wheeler. The motorcycle quit running and we were about a mile from home on a gravel road. I sent the boys home on the four wheeler to get a cable to pull the motorcycle home with. We put the cable on both vehicles and the boys started pulling me on the motorbike. We got our speed up and were cruising along when all of a sudden I took a spill on the bike and the boys were dragging me up the road. The cable had gotten wrapped around the wheel and locked the wheel up.They finally noticed mom was down and stopped. By this time I was very skinned up and bleeding. Of course who should come along but my husband. He couln't stop laughting once he knew we were all fine. He still says to this day he never knew what I would get the boys into while he was gone to work. Of course I laugh along with him because it was true.

  40. Hi Pegi!
    Congratulations on 5000 hits!
    I'm glad I could help add to that total :)

    Thank you for offering such a nice prize for us to help you celebrate!

    Something funny about myself?
    People who don't know me think I'm pretty strait-laced. If only they favorite music is Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, and Blue Oyster Cult!

  41. Hope I'm not too late!! I can't think of anything funny off the top of my head.

  42. When I'm stamping I usually work with so much stuff on my dining table that I end up placing the Fiskars cutter in my lap. It's become such a habit that even when I don't have a lot of stuff out, it goes into my lap. My friends tell me it's because I don't want to share my cutter! LOL ....I have cutters for them when they come over so maybe that's true??

  43. Hi! Okay, about me ... in the winter I must ALWAYS be wearing warm, fuzzy socks at home. :) mmmmm, my favorite.

  44. O.K. the most embarrassing thing that happened to me as a kid, that I can laugh about now happened in Kindergarden. I had a really mean teacher who really disliked you asking to go to the bathroom. Well I was super shy and didn't want to ask so I peed my pants.

  45. Funny thing about me happens to be my screen name! I was working as a Paramedic in partner was blond, built and hot! Silly me once said he looked like a Ken doll...we started calling him Rescue-Ken. Then I got one too many blond highlights and boom! I was RESQBARBIE! Great blog and thanks for offering the GC!

  46. Hi Pegi!
    Congratulations on 5000 hits!
    I'm glad I could help add to that total :)

    Thank you for offering such a nice prize for us to help you celebrate!

    Something funny about me (and this might be more normal than I think :)...
    I like left-over pizza + chocolate milk for breakfast.

  47. OH my goodness! I'm SO glad I found the link to your blog from Allison (Stampin' When I Can) because I just got the BEST laughs from these posts!! I was crying at times!! congrats on your hits. Even though I missed the drawing, a funny thing about me is when I'm particularly happy/in a good mood - I sing to my girls (Shelby, Border Collie - Chica american short hair cat - and Elsie little black & white cat who is my BABY) DH loves it. Your dog is CUTE & your cat is pretty.

  48. Congrats on the popularity of your blog! I get updates through google reader and really enjoy it! Off the top of my head I can't think of anything really fuuny, but something unusual was that I met my husband Jan 26th 1990. We were engaged Feb. 12th 1990 and married September 29th of the same year. The morning after I met my hubby I called my friend and told her I had just met the man I was going to marry - and I did. Now almost 17 years later he's still my best buddy!!
    Heather L.

  49. Oh my 5000...Congrats!!!

    My DH makes fun of me when I ask to go into a SB store and he will walk around going I need some brads anybody got any brads! Have a great day***

  50. Congrats on the 5,000 mark! Hmmm...something funny about me?!? The only thing that I can think of at the moment is that when I talk to people about things that I do, I act them out (and of course I exaggerate when I do it) and don't even realize I do it until they laugh at me.

  51. I was always the class clown and even though my teachers adored me, my parents were always embarrassed by it. I have since grown up to be a serious adult and I have a daughter who is exactly how I used to be. I'm completely embarrassed too, but my parent's are very amused that "what goes around, comes around".

  52. Hello! I love archivers!!! I have no tonsils and no appendix!! Probably too much info, but it is something that not many people know about me!
    Cheryl KVD

  53. Hi..Nice to meet you.
    You have a very nice blog..enjoyed taking the time to look and read.
    I love stamping !..collecting PP
    Making cards and recently started scrapbooking.
    something funny- I still love to sit and color with the grandchildren.
    5,000 hits-Nice celebration !
    Thanks for a chance to win your blog candy. Have a great day !


  54. Thanks for offering such awesome blog candy! I can do tricks with my eyebrows. I can control them separately and they can go in almost any direction. Do you think I might have a shot at America's Got Talent???

  55. Nice job on your blog and for racking up so many hits! Since you love your dog and cat so much, my funny thing will be about my cat Charlotte. She would always jump up and ring the doorbell when she wanted in the house. I always thought that was really clever until my doorbell rang at 11pm when I was all alone. I swung the door open thinking it was Charlotte and instead it was a neighbor man who was a bit tipsy and in the past a bit flirty. I screamed when I saw him and slammed the door in his face. We never spoke to one another after that and I'm sure he was probably just as embarrassed as I was.

  56. Hi Pegi!
    Congratulations on 5000 hits!
    I'm glad I could help add to that total :)

    Thank you for offering such a nice prize for us to help you celebrate!

    Something funny about me: I still love to play dress-up. When I was little, I used some old dresses that mom let me play with. Now, I take ballroom dance lessons...the gowns are fabulous!

  57. Hi, I saw your blog link on sheilas blog and Im glad I did, you have such fantastic work here.Something funny about me is that when im wearing socks and i am not wearing any shoes, the socks need to be adjusted so they are below my ankle and the rest just hang at the end!!My husband told me he would never thought that someone who looks so organised would actually do this!Im not sure if its funny but he laughs!

  58. Congrats on your wonderful milestone!

    My something funny is that
    I love telling stories or experiences I've heard, but I always get at least one fact wrong!
    Karen U
