Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Day Late And A Dollar Short . . .

. . . did your parents ever used to say that when you were a kid? I remember my mom always sayin' it and for some reason it has just always stuck in my head. A day late and a dollar short has always been so appropriate for my life. I am always a day or two or three late for things I want to do or get done and it seems like I am always digging in my purse for that extra bit of change for something I want to buy. I have good intentions of getting things done . . . like paying bills, balancing the checkbook, sending out packages, doing the grocery shopping, announcing the 5,000 hit winner on my blog . . . but there are just never enough hours in the day.

Many of you who know me well know that I am totally a home body who loves to stay at home and play with Willow and Izzy and make my cards. I get invited to things but most of my friends know that I would rather stay at home and do stuff around my house. I didn't used to be like that, but ever since I bought my townhouse four years ago and have had fun decorating it and have my own stamp room and then added little Willow to my family . . . I just love staying at home in my own house that I pay a mortgage on every month. After a long day of working in the hectic stressful mortgage industry it is so calming to be home in my little ol' stamp room with my persian cat sitting up on the table watching me stamp waiting ever so patiently for me to get out that ribbon so she can really play, and for little Willow to be laying on one of her beds chewing a flossie or barking at Izzy to jump down off the table and play with her instead of Mama's ribbons. Who needs to leave home when you got all this?

Well . . . after four years of being self employed and having the luxury of working from home and setting my own hours . . . I did something really crazy and accepted a job at a bank. Crazy for me because now I get up every morning and head off to an office and leave my babies at home to fend for themselves for 8 hours (yes I have banker's hours) and then I come home and I bring work home with me and don't have time to stamp or blog or do anything but finish up work, learn new things about work, and crawl into bed . . . dead tired I might add . . . and get ready to do it all over again the next day. And what's even crazier . . . I LOVE IT!!! This has got to be one of the best things I have done in a very long time. I'm still doing mortgages, but it is so nice to be Pegi Taylor from a bank rather than Pegi Taylor who is just a lonely little mortgage broker on the street corner just like everybody else out there trying to get a deal. I think you get much more respect in this industry being from a bank.

Okay . . . enough rambling about being a day late and a dollar short . . . you get the point . . . and now after a very hectic week settling into my new job and learning everything the bank has to teach me and having just the time of my life . . . it is time for me to announce the winner of the 5,000 hit giveaway for that $20 Archiver's gift card. I have to tell you all that you had me laughing so hard at some of the funny things you had to tell us about yourself. I randomly chose a winner and it just so happend to be Cindy Jacobson. Congratulations Cindy and please send me your snail mail address so I can send you your gift card.

And I want to thank everyone for continuing to read my blog even though I haven't posted in a week. Your loyalty means everything to me. Once I finish all this bank training and get totally settled into my new position, I have some really fun things planned here at BellaWillow. I am also teaching my card classes at Memory Creek starting in September so if you live in the area, please come in and introduce yourself.

I missed last Friday's card giveaway, so there will be two cards this Friday to be given away, so please come back and check it out. And is it to early to start making Christmas cards? And speaking of a day late and a dollar short. I made 25 Halloween cards last year and never sent a one of them out. I made them in September and by the time I remembered I had made them, Halloween had just passed and I was too embarassed to send them out. Isn't that stupid!!! So maybe we will have some Halloween giveaways this year at BellaWillow.

Take care everyone and I will be posting my three cards I made for my card class as well as some Friday card giveaways.

Big Stamping Hugs

~ Pegi


  1. Hi Pegi!
    Gosh...I'm glad you're back!
    I was beginning to worry that something awful had happened.

    Congratulations on getting a job that you love...that makes all the difference when you have to get out of bed in the morning!

    How are your kids handling the change? It will be hard on them at first, cause they just can't understand why you would not choose to stay home and play with them.

    I do miss your stamping, but I have to put first things first (Stephen Covey)


    Lucky winner.
    Glad you are back..Congrats on the new job.

  3. Pegi and BellaWillow friends,

    I am SO excited to have won that card. I really don't consider myself lucky at all when it comes to winning, so this is a treat on many levels.

    Pegi, you are an AWESOME stamper, but more importantly, an incredible person.

    Take care of yourself.... and keep these beautiful cards coming!

    Cindy J.

  4. Oh, and in my comment above, I am referring to the GIFT card... sorry to be vague... my body is wracked with poison ivy... it's affecing my writing now!

    Hugs to everyone,


  5. Congratulations to Cindy! Don't spend it all in one place.
    LOL I just couldn't resist that.

    I had to laugh at the Halloween cards. I do that all the time myself. I am over 50 so thats my excuse. LOL

  6. Hello! Congratulations on the new job! I am so lookinig forward to meeting you face to face next week! ((hugs))

  7. that you say it... you kinda are a "home body". But I don't blame you... you've got 2 adorable pets & lovely decorated home!!! I'd wanna be home all the time too!

    I'm so proud that you took your job w/the Bank. I know it's a transition... but you'll do GREAT! I got your business card in the mail & I'm carrying it around in my purse... I'm SO SO PROUD OF YOU!

    Can't wait for scrapfest!!!

  8. Congratulations on your new job. I'm glad to see I didn't get too far behind with your Friday cards while I was on vacation. Looking forward to seeing more of them. The Scrapfest event sounded great. Wonderful pics and coverage. Made me jealous.
