Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bella Willow Got A Makeover!!!

Hello to all my dear friends and family. It was quite the busy year for me in 2008, which left no time for some of the fun things in life . . . like stamping and blogging . . . but after so many requests from all my dear wonderful stamping friends, co-workers, customers, and family . . . I'm back! And . . . with a brand new look! BellaWillow got a new blog banner and some other fun stuff and we are loving it! I hope you like the new look.

This whole great adventure started after my cards were featured in a special Valentine's Day issue in my local newspaper. I then had a very successful 2008 craft show and boutique season. I sold a lot of cards, journals, picture frames, and altered items at three craft shows in my area and I sold over 200 items at the Holly House Boutique which went for three weekends during the months of November and December. That was a lot of fun. A lot of my friends and family kept asking me to send them pictures of what I had made. I have to tell you though . . . it was such a busy year for me . . . there was no time for picture taking. At one point during the year I was working 60-70 hours a week at the bank . . . and trying to find time to keep up with my crafting, taking care of sweet Willow and Izzy, and cleaning my house. I'll let you in on a little secret . . . my house is still kind of messy . . . but we're getting there! Oh yeh . . . . I had a horrible bronchitis/pneumonia during the months of October, November, and December, all while I was trying to make things for the boutique. After three rounds of antibiotics . . . I am just now getting over this horrible cough.

And then when I didn't think crafting could get any better, and after many special orders throughout the holiday season, I decided to create my own Etsy site so I could sell my crafts year round. So . . . after much research as to what all I was missing . . . an Etsy banner, business cards, a new matching look for my blog, a ditigal signature, and some other fun graphics . . . Stewart Goodwin of Goodwin Media designed all these beautiful new things for me. I still can't figure out how to get the digital signature, watermark, and cute "Supplies" graphic to work, but hopefully someone out there in blog land will come to my rescue . . . hint . . . hint!

Stewart Goodwin was awesome to work with. I had a vision of what I wanted, and he totally gave us all that and more when he designed Bella Willow's new look and all the accessories that go with it. He has designed websites for many famous clients including Donna Downey and Rhonna Farrar. Thank you Stewart!!

So here is my featured card for today. I made this card for all my dog loving friends using a stamp from Stamping Bella and coloring it in with my Copic markers. The paper is from DCWV and the ribbon is from American Crafts.

I would love to give this card away to one of my dear blog readers. So leave me a comment about your favorite dog, or a cute little dog story, or just a comment on how to use my digital signature and blog supplies graphic, and I will randomly draw a name on Monday, January 12, 2009 and send someone out there the little doggie card.

It's great to be back, and thanks so much for stopping by!

Big stamping hugs!



  1. Cute card. Dogs are my favorite. We just had to have our sweet westie, Abby, put down and I have cried for weeks. I know this isn't a happy story, but I miss my precious girl. I miss giving her belly rubs and I even miss the smell of her "gas!!!!" I just plain miss her.
    Cheryl Sims

  2.'re back, we've missed you! I love your new look and your card is so cute! You know I have a couple favorite dogs, my girls Riley & Bella. Of course little Willow rates right up there too!

  3. Hi Pegy

    I missed your posts.....
    I also have a cute little dog...a bichion frisée.
    He is spoiled LOL.....

    I am planning to make a lot of scrapbooking pages about him!
    Love and happy New year!!

  4. My favorite dog right now is my brand new Yorkie Puppy, Greta. She is 6 1/2 months old and just got spayed. :-(. She is doing really good though. We had to put our 15 yr old Yorkie to sleep last December. Very sad. I love the picture of your Yorkie. Your card is just darling. I hope I win.

  5. We missed you! I love your card. I have a favorite dog story about Sophie our little black tea cup toy poodle who used to ride in the cup holder of her Mamma's car whenever we went for rides. She was a little peanut. RIP little Sophie. Your Mamma and Daddy miss you.

    Glad to see you are back. Hope to see more work from you.


  6. Welcome back! The card is adorable and I love the new look of the blog!
